Tax Issues Related to Divorce
Our firm has extensive financial and tax expertise in addition to our tough, no nonsense divorce and custody skills. If you need help to pursue a wily spouse, or to deal with tax or financial issues in your divorce, you should come talk to us before retaining another attorney.
Getting a divorce is a major financial transaction for anyone who has accumulated assets, including a home, investments, retirement plans, personal collections or hobbies. Dividing or selling these assets can have tremendous tax consequences, and most divorce/family law attorneys have little to no knowledge of the tax ramifications of the decisions that you are about to make. In addition, if it is possible that your spouse has hidden money or property from you, you need an attorney who has experience searching out the secrets of the more crafty persons among us.
Most people also don’t realize that legal issues often overlap and that truly competent attorneys have experience in a variety of areas. Tax and financial sophistication experience is very often critical to the successful handling of a divorce case.
Unlike most family law firms, the Law Offices of Maynard & Hogan specializes not only in divorce issues but also has a full service business law and tax practice. Our team of attorneys are qualified to help you to evaluate your individual situation and to work with you to make the best decisions for your case.
.......................................................................................................... To improve your experience and keep everyone safe, we offer telephone and video conference consultations with our seasoned attorneys.